Gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes that appears during pregnancy and is normally characterized by an inability of the body to produce enough insulin, which can regulate glucose levels. This condition is relatively common in pregnant women, and based on different statistics, it is estimated that up to 14-17% of pregnant women may experience the condition. In order to achieve glycemic control and a healthy pregnancy and delivery, it is important to be well informed about gestational diabetes and how the condition affects the pregnant woman as well as her baby.
During the pregnancy, the placenta secretes hormones that cause insulin resistance, meaning that fewer cells in the body can utilize insulin. Insulin is required in the conversion of glucose to energy. When the pancreas cannot secrete enough insulin to overcome this, blood sugar levels become high and gestational diabetes occurs.
Gestational diabetes is asymptomatic because its symptoms are very hard to observe. Yet, some of the women may develop signs such as excessive thirst, increased frequency of urine production, always feeling worn out, and seeing things as if they are a blur. These symptoms can sometimes be mistaken for other common symptoms of pregnancy complications that are normal signs of pregnancy. Hence, screening during the second trimester is recommended (usually between week 24 and 28) for early identification.
Gestational diabetes can lead to several complications:
Gestational diabetes must be well controlled since it results in increased risks to the life of the mother as well as her unborn child. Treatment typically involves lifestyle modifications such as:
Gestational diabetes is a condition developed during pregnancy that can be controlled but needs special attention before, during, and after pregnancy. It is therefore very important that pregnant women with gestational diabetes pay regular visits to their doctor and follow all the advice given to them. Those who think they have gestational diabetes or are prone to the disease should seek medical advice from the expert doctors of Sehgal Nursing Home regarding the right testing and management measures.
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